Weddings in Second Life... :o Granted, they are meaningful and important to the people who are tieing the knot, but the *ennui* for those attending! Makes one question the trappings of civilization altogether. Few acts are more deserving of admiration than when a good friend devotes precious hours on a Saturday being subjected to these laggy RL-wanna-be fetes.
Frequency Picnic, my dear friend and fellow Second Life Hobo (and a charter member of Impossible IRL, I might add!), gave me permission to republish this hilarious account of the spontaneous nuptials between hobos Candy Cornwall and Megan Choche... Luna Idler presiding. Now here's a wedding I would have given my eye teeth to attend:
Candy and Meg's wedding 7-6-07
I know I haven't posted in a while, I just don't feel like I've been doing anything noteworthy lately. Friday night , though, I happened to drop into Hobo village just as a friend's wedding was starting. In true Hobo fashion, nobody was invited, we just all showed up, and the proceedings were predictably unorthodox. Some pictures, and a transcript of the event (by Hotspur's request):
(left to right: Megan Choche, Candy Cornwall and Luna Idler)
Luna Idler shouts: everyone plz be seated err um nvm : )
Candy Cornwall: someone, anyone! hee
Candy Cornwall: good try, pshh
Nolan Finney: hello freq :))
Luna Idler: hi Freq
bartelby Pegler: Hiya freq :)
Candy Cornwall: hi Freq! :)
Aten Milo: keep quiet
Amy Plympton: i'll try.. cant walk straight.. i'll be the drunk dad who is depressed about giving away his only daughter
Megan Choche: ok lets go
Candy Cornwall: Lunas gonna marry Meg and I, look out! hee :)
You: oh cool, Pastor Luna
Nolan Finney: there you are freq - looking all over for you :))
You: hi niamh
Megan Choche: ok im ready *smiles*
Luna Idler: yea, cuz i molest children, im qualified
You: heh
Candy Cornwall: *gulp* me too :)
Luna Idler shouts: ahem ahem
Megan Choche: take pics please
Candy Cornwall: ready i mean
Amisja Fillion: eeeuuuw luna
You: are you gettin gmarried right now?
Megan Choche: yes
You: damn! I should have dressed up
Luna Idler shouts: we all gathered here today to witness the union of ....
Luna Idler shouts: Candy Corwall
Candy Cornwall: *smiles giddily*
bartelby Pegler looks for tux
Luna Idler shouts: and Megan Choche
Megan Choche: *smiles8
Nolan Finney: mega- did you still need me to walk you down the isle - couldn't fine you :))
bartelby Pegler: damn sorry i deleted it
Luna Idler shouts: ill cut straight to the chase
Candy Cornwall: hee hee
Niamh Pfeffer: :-)
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Luna Idler shouts: Meagn, do you take Candy to love and cherish, through scurvy and poverty, til death do you part?
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan spanked Candy's ass
You: LOL
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Candy Cornwall: eeps!
Megan Choche shouts: yes
Candy Cornwall: :)
Megan spanked Candy's ass
Megan Choche shouts: take pitures for us please
Luna Idler shouts: Candy, do you take Mrgan to love and cherish through scurvy and poverty, til death do you part?
Candy Cornwall: i most certainly do :) :) :)
Luna Idler shouts: Megan*
Megan Choche shouts: and her fleas also
Luna Idler shouts: k, i now pronounce you married
Candy Cornwall: and her fleas
Luna Idler shouts: you may kiss
Megan Choche: wohooott
Candy Cornwall: yayyyy! my favorite part :)
Luna Idler: WooT! WooT!
Amisja Fillion: eeeuuuuwwww
Candy gives Megan a big kiss.
Luna Idler: (enthusiastic applause)
Candy Cornwall: !kiss Megan
You: c'mon, smooch!
Luna Idler: (enthusiastic applause)
Amisja Fillion: yuck stop talking about sex stuff
Nolan Finney: clap clap clap
Megan Choche: MMMMMMMMM *moooans*
Amisja Fillion: yuck
Geo Meek: (enthusiastic applause)
Amisja Fillion: eeeeuuuwww
Geo Meek: (enthusiastic applause)
Megan Choche: again please
You: WooT
Candy Cornwall: / gah! wifey, heee, yumm :)
Amisja Fillion: PG place
You: yay yay!
Megan Choche: again and again
bartelby Pegler: a cheer goes up from the crowd
Geo Meek: WooT
Luna Idler: WooT! WooT!
Candy Cornwall: !kiss Megan
Alec Paragon: woot
Geo Meek: WooT
Candy gives Megan a big kiss.
Geo Meek: YIFFY! ^.^
Nolan Finney: yiffy
Megan Choche: V^vv^V PuRrRrzZz V^vv^V
Megan Choche shouts: *kisses deeply*
Luna Idler: Geo shouldve hadda shotgun ready
Frequency Picnic cries
Luna Idler: a classic hobo weddin
Candy Cornwall: / *coos* *melts* :)
whirligig Rutabaga throws beer cans
Luna Idler cries.
Candy Cornwall: WooT
Nolan Finney gives a happy little howl!
Geo Meek: WooT
Megan Choche shouts: ok you cook clean and worship me candy
bartelby Pegler: property rights?
Frequency Picnic blows her nose on geo's sleeve
Luna Idler: WooT! WooT!
Geo Meek: V^vv^V HoWlLLzZz V^vv^V
Geo Meek: V^vv^V HoWlLLzZz V^vv^V
Amisja Fillion: whats the point of being married?????
Candy Cornwall: you all so sweet, i love you guys *gushes* :)
Megan Choche: V^vv^V PuRrRrzZz V^vv^V
Niamh Pfeffer: Congrats Megan and Candy!
Hooper gives Frequency a big hug.
Kewi Noel: purrrrrrr
Kewi Noel mews
You: purrs quietly =^.^=
Candy Cornwall: thank you ")
Luna Idler purrrrrz!
Geo Meek: *purrs*
whirligig Rutabaga puuurrrrrrsss
bartelby Pegler: purrrrrrrrrr
Megan Choche shouts: all kidding aside I love you CANDY
Alec Paragon: congrats guys
Niamh Pfeffer: =^.^= PuRrRrzZz =^.^=
Geo Meek: *purrs*
Niamh Pfeffer: Mew!
Candy Cornwall: guess we cant have the honeymoon inna PG spot, hehe ;)
Luna Idler: we all goin on the honey moon with you two?
You: woohoo
Niamh Pfeffer: LOL!
Megan Choche: umm NOOO
Luna Idler: hobo roadtrip
Candy Cornwall: lol
Hooper March: eep this hobo is attracting the strays
Candy Cornwall: careful, with Meg you never know ;)
Luna Idler: hello
You: we have to wait for the second honeymoon
Amisja Fillion: hahahahahahaha
Candy Cornwall: lol, Freq
You: congratulations!
Megan Choche shouts: ok now as my gift Candy will sing im a lil tea pot
Candy Cornwall: thank you :) *stupid grins* :)
Megan Choche shouts: Right love
Candy Cornwall: oh gawd
Megan Choche shouts: go on we all love ya!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Virtual Weddings O.o
Posted by
Bettina Tizzy
11:42 AM
Labels: Frequency Picnic, Impossible IRL, Not Possible IRL, NPIRL, Second Life, SecondLife Hobos, virtual weddings, weddings
Bettina, you said:
"Weddings in Second Life... :o Granted, they are meaningful and important to the people who are tieing the knot, but the *ennui* for those attending! Makes one question the trappings of civilization altogether. Few acts are more deserving of admiration than when a good friend devotes precious hours on a Saturday being subjected to these laggy RL-wanna-be fetes."
I beg to differ. We just had a lovely ceremony where my SL partner and I, who have also been married to each other for seven years in real life, and met in real life, celebrated with our SL friends our seventh RL wedding anniversary by having a ceremony to renew our vows, which we rewrote for the occasion. My best SL friend and I had a wonderful time decorating for Palace. Everyone present, far from experiencing ennui, and sacrifice of personal time, were very complimentary. They told us it was beautiful and unlike anything they had ever attended in SL. So before you dismiss a SL wedding as a "wanna be" RL event please realize that for many of us a meaningful ceremony that includes our SL friends can be a beautiful experience for everyone present.
Dear Princess:
Many happy returns, and may you and your beloved be blessed forevermore! <3 *hugs*
I do believe in ~love~
I have been to a few weddings in SL, and while I am very fond of the people who were exchanging vows, and I FULLY understand all the careful and loving thought and preparation involved to make these events *perfect*, I find weddings in SL a TOTAL bore.
I know that I am not alone in this regard. How many IMs have I exchanged with others who were, in their own words, "stuck" at a wedding?!?
I realize that after this post I might never be invited to another SL wedding... a risk I am fully prepared to take!
Again, this doesn't mean that I don't care, love, cherish the people involved.
I'm just not the wedding "type." Bah, humbug. :P And neither are scores of other people I know who shall remain nameless.
Interesting Bettina that this is on NPIRL. I think the thing that is boring about SL weddings is the adherence to real life ceremony - many follow real world weddings precisely. I would love to have an NPIRL wedding, something totally out of this and the SL world - that said SL weddings like my video of one recently (just the one!) showed how there can be emotion - which is not a bad thing after all ;-)
But yes - only NPIRL weddings from now on folks!
Gary, you are right! Would love to see someone start a business for Not Possible in Real Life weddings...
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